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Writer's pictureAshley Christudason

Top 5 Benefits of Homeschooling

1. Personalised learning

Students in a homeschooling environment have a chance for a more personalised learning experience as compared to their peers in a regular classroom setting. With homeschooling, students will be able to adopt a customised study plan which utilises their preferred learning method – specifically suited for their overall development.

While your child may be ahead of others in school regarding certain topics, they may still be required to sit through lectures which would be a misuse of their time. Homeschooling can thus help increase your child’s productivity and allows for learning to occur at their own pace.

Personalised learning can allow for a more robust lesson, reducing inefficient learning patterns by providing the student with more undivided attention, which he/she would not receive in a school setting.

2. Flexibility

Since the rigidity of a typical school system is not in place, a homeschooler has the freedom of flexibility. This flexibility can extend onto a student’s family since regular school hours and holidays are not being adhered to. Parents can plan their child’s education around their family’s needs and adjust it accordingly should something arise.

In a school setting, a curriculum is followed more or less in sequential order. Homeschoolers however have the flexibility to alter their curriculum depending on their pace and gaps in knowledge. In doing so, they are able to create their own rhythm to learning.

3. A Safer Environment

Homeschoolers experience their learning in alternative environments to school. As a result, they are not exposed to typical issues faced by regular students such as peer pressure, bullying and bad influences which can severely dampen a child’s inclination to learning and affect their academic performance.

4. Forging Stronger Relationships

Whether you may be a parent or a homeschool teacher, studies show that a higher rate of bonding occurs during homeschooling. Having more individualised attention allows for the fruition of stronger relationships between student and teacher/parent.

Take for example a parent who is able to spend more quality time with their child in a learning environment. Both discoveries and learning milestones can be witnessed and bonded over, forging stronger ties in the process. Children then become more susceptible to become more open with their parents in the long run.

5. Cultivation of Values & Enhancing Life Skills

There is a higher chance of cultivation of values in a homeschool setting because of the undivided attention a child receives. Additionally, there is a higher degree of responsibility borne by the homeschooler to oversee their own learning progress which can lead to a higher degree of independence.

Furthermore, older homeschoolers have the opportunity for more in depth guidance when it comes to preparing for their adult life. Spending more time in a household provides additional time for the learning of life skills such as learning to cook and learning to budget. This ultimately helps to yield a more holistic and all rounded student who is more equipped to deal with life in general.

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